
Britain's new social classes

  • Elite: Most privileged group set apart from other classes because of wealth, highest scoring economically, socially and culturally
  • Established middle class: Largest class group and second wealthiest, also score high culturally and socially
  • Technical middle class: Small, distinct group that aren't so social but have money and are into emerging culture like gaming, the internet and rock music
  • New affluent workers: A young group that is socially and culturally active with middling levels of income
  • Traditional working class: Score low economically, socially and culturally but have reasonably high house values and oldest average age
  • Emergent service workers: New, young, urban group who don't have much money but are very social and cultural - they "live for today"
  • Precariat: Poorest, most deprived class who score low economically, socially and culturally




歷史上人為書而瘋狂, 但現實裡, 愛書的人仍有但是越來越難尋. 一切知識的傳播都是靠書, 書靠印刷術的發明的普及與傳播. 書,權勢的權力還是在讀者, 有讀者,書才會有意義..