Imagine what your workplace would be like if half of the folks contributing to your projects were temps and freelancers. Would you have to compete even harder than you do now to hold onto one of the few full-time jobs with benefits–so your company would not decide it was more cost effective to “contract out” the work you do? Assuming you were one of the “permanent” managerial types, what leadership strategies would you need to keep your team inspired and maintain quality–when 50% of the folks around you did not have a regular paycheck, health benefits, and a 401(K) plan from the company at stake?
If you’re a leader and are not thinking about realities like these, it’s time. Currently about 20-30% of the workforce in Fortune 100 companies is made up of “contingent” workers; that percentage is expected to swell to 50% by 2020, according to Dana Shaw, a senior vice president at Staffing Industry Analysts who is quoted in a fascinating new article by Thomas Fisher, dean of the College of Design at the University of Minnesota in Public Sector Digest. (I would have missed it had I not been alerted by Small Biz Labs, a trend forecasting site run by Emergent Research that’s worth checking out if you’re interested in issues like these.).
Fisher points out how disconnected our public policies are from a future in which as much as 45% of the workforce will be made up of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and other members of the “contingent” workforce by 2020–and independent workers will be the majority by 2030. Many people, thanks to technology, will work from home, radically altering commuting patterns and perhaps making our old ways of planning roads and other infrastructure obsolete, based on his findings. Independent professionals will want to live in communities with the technological infrastructure and friendly zoning that makes it easy to get their work done and to connect with others in the contigent crowd. They’ll have a lot of freedom but also instability in their income streams. They’ll need a way to get reliable health insurance. I’m the co-editor of a site called$200KFreelancer, and I don’t see many policymakers looking out for the well-being of the freelance crowd right now.
Our public K-12 schools aren’t, for the most part, preparing students for the survival skills needed for the future Fisher predicts. “The next economy doesn’t demand employees who repeat facts and follow orders; it needs just the opposite: innovative, entrepreneurial individuals able to see an unmet need and to provide a product or service that addresses that market, whether it exists locally or across the globe,” he writes.
And, as Fisher notes, few politicians are paying attention to the needs of the self employed, focusing instead on efforts like boosting old-line manufacturing. “Unfortunately, much of the political discussion in the United States seems removed from this tectonic shift in the economy,” he writes. “Apart from leaders such as former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, who has written insightfully about this change, most U.S. politicians speak as if we were still in the last century.”
While big companies and politicians may be slow to recognize what’s happening, entrepreneurs have taken note–and are already capitalizing on it. One example is oDesk, a marketplace for freelance talent around the globe that helps companies find, manage and pay such workers. The company reported that businesses posted 100,000 jobs on the site in November 2011; its home page mentions that users of the site include Google, Wikipedia, HP, Travelocity and AOL. “It’s the best work for the price,” says executive chairman and serial entrepreneur Thomas Layton, who previously co-founded CitySearch.
oDesk's Thomas Layton
Sometimes, that price is low by American standards, making such sites an increasingly popular way for companies to save on labor costs. For instance, yesterday I typed “freelance article writer” in oDesk’s talent search box. The profile of a writer in a developing economy popped up at the top of the search results. She charges $3.33 an hour. (At the opposite end of the spectrum, oDesk also found me an example of a social media consultant in the U.S. who charges $130 an hour).
If you’re a corporate manager in the future, you may need to make decisions regularly about whether your needs can be addressed by a “virtual” freelancer overseas who charges less than $5 an hour or a former colleague who became a contractor after getting laid off and charges $50 or $100 hourly. You may even have both types of contingent workers on your team, working alongside a few highly compensated company employees. As a result, you’ll need to manage folks with widely varying economic realities and pressures simultaneously. Their motivations may be very different. Or, if your company gets leaner, you may be among the freelancers being managed.
Are you prepared for the indie economy of the future? As Fisher sees it, many of our leaders aren’t–but they need to be.