
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Hobbits

TECH | 4/23/2012 @ 12:47上午 |145 views
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Hobbits
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Sean Astin as Sam in Peter Jackson's live-action version of The Lord of the Rings. (Photo credit: New Line Cinema)

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
- Gandalf

Most of the races of Middle Earth, from Elves to Dwarves to Men, overlooked the humble Hobbits of the Shire. And, for the most part, the Hobbits of the Shire overlooked the rest of Middle Earth. Hobbits were content to keep to themselves, eat good food, drink good ale, and live quiet, unassuming lives. However, among those Hobbits lived a few – Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took and others who left the peaceful world of the Shire to have adventures in the world beyond. When they came back to the Shire, they had found success in that world – winning battles and finding great wealth.

One of the reasons why Hobbits were so successful in the world beyond, to the point that, in the words of Elrond, they could “arise from their quiet fields to shake the towers and counsels of the Great” is because they have certain habits that predisposed them to success. Follow the habits of the Hobbits and you, too, can find success in your life and career.

Habit 1: Be Clever

“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”

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One of the common traits among the great Hobbit heroes is their cleverness. It was Merry who gave the impetus for Gandalf to solve the riddle at the Door in the Mines of Moira. Bilbo’s cleverness was on display at many different points throughout The Hobbit, and of course both Sam and Frodo at different points throughout their journey to Mordor were forced to rely on their wits. This no doubt has to do with their Hobbit upbringing, with its love of wordplay and riddles.

At any rate, whether its riddles or innovations, it’s important to cultivate cleverness – the ability to bend your mind to come up with a solution to a problem that isn’t obvious. Hobbits relied on their wits to survive, and you need them to survive in the business world, too. Learn to find things that are hidden, and realize that the world can be more than it seems. Success will follow.

Habit 2: Overcome Your Fears

“I will take the Ring, though I do not know the way.”

Hobbits have a lot to fear from the outside world. They are, after all, smaller than most other races in Middle Earth, and don’t have much in the way of a warrior tradition. Most Hobbits never even leave the Shire in their whole lives. But when the call to adventure came, Bilbo Baggins followed it. Likewise, when the fate of Middle Earth rested on Frodo Baggins’ shoulders, he didn’t turn back, and neither did his friends. They faced down their natural fears and went out to pursue adventure.

Likewise, it’s easy for us to get stuck in our own ruts in our lives and careers. It’s easy to wake up one day and find that you’re now in year five of that job you were only going to have “for a couple of months” until your dream job came along. It’s easy to let yourself be intimidated by other people in your company, and so never allow yourself to advance when opportunities present themselves. When you get into a comfortable rut, it can take a real act of courage to get out of it. But if Hobbits can travel to Mordor on foot, you can take the next step in your career. Be brave.

Habit 3: Prepare For The Journeys Ahead

“Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.”

As a nation of people who love to party and eat seven regular meals a day, the ability to prepare is a must for a Hobbit. This was demonstrated in both the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. In The Hobbit, Bilbo was always careful to think ahead to use the items that he had in his disposal. And in Lord of the Rings, it’s doubtful that the Hobbits would have made it to the Inn of the Prancing Pony were it not for Merry’s preparations. Moreover, it was Samwise who kept a watch on food and supplies for he and Frodo on their trip to Mordor, being careful to ration them so they could make it there and back.

In the same way, it’s important that you’re well prepared for the journeys that lie ahead of you in your career. Make sure that you have what you need for the assignments you’re given, and that you have tools at your disposal when you need to improvise. Because you will need to improvise – nothing ever goes to plan.

Habit 4: Be Loyal To Your Team

“Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”

Loyalty is a central theme of The Lord of the Rings. The loyalty of the Fellowship of the Ring to each other led Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to rescue Merry and Pippin after they were kidnapped by Orcs. And of course, it was the loyalty of Samwise Gamgee to Frodo that made it possible for Frodo to make to to the top of Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring. There were several points during the story where it might have been understandable – or even wise – for Sam to leave Frodo’s side. But he never did.

In a dog-eat-dog age where a lot of career writers advise you to look out for one person – you – this habit can seem hard to cultivate. But projects can’t succeed if everyone’s just looking out for their own advantage and are willing to bail if it seems in their interest to do so. But very few goals can be accomplished by one person acting alone. It takes a team to accomplish great things, and teams require loyalty to survive.

Habit 5: Know When Your Boss Doesn’t Know Best

“Great heart will not be denied.”

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Cultivating the habit of loyalty doesn’t mean cultivating a habit of blind loyalty. In The Return of the King, Merry swore an oath of loyalty to King Theoden of Rohan. But Theoden didn’t understand what value a Hobbit could be in the final battle between Mordor and the rest of Middle Earth, so he ordered Merry to stay behind and not fight. Despite this, Merry found his way to the Battlefield anyway. And it’s a good thing, too. It was his dagger that struck the Witch-King’s leg, destroying his protective enchantments and allowing Eowyn to make the killing strong that ended his terrible reign.

It’s important to note when a direction – or even order – from management would lead to harm for the project, sometimes you need to do what needs to be done to salvage the project. Obviously, it’s best to try to convince your manager to change his mind (and document those attempts), but if a project is crucial to the survival of the company, it needs to be done right. Go over his head, if need be, but find a way to get the project done properly.

Habit 6: Take a Chance On People

“Be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.”

The entire saga of The Lord of the Rings hinges on two acts of mercy – by Bilbo and Frodo Baggins – in sparing the life of Gollum. Bilbo was moved by pity for Gollum, while Frodo needed his expertise to get to Mordor without raising alarms. Without these two acts, it’s possible that the One Ring would not have been destroyed, and Sauron would have regained his power. The Lord of the Rings many other ways in which people learned to give others a chance. The races of Dwarves, Hobbits, Men and Elves often had a mutual distrust of each other. But in the Battle of the Five Armies and many other battles, they learned to give on another a chance to do great things.

We all have co-workers around us that we don’t like to work with, for one reason or another. Maybe they have a history as a screwup. Maybe they just rub you the wrong way. No matter the reason, though, the people around you often have skills that you might never have been aware of. When you need help or you need to put a team together to solve a problem, you should consider giving some people a chance that you otherwise might not have. You never know when someone has exactly what it is you need.

Habit 7: Appreciate The World Around You

“I wonder if we shall ever be put into songs or tales. We’re in one, or course; but I mean: put into words, you know, told by the fireside, or read out of a great big book with red and black letters, years and years afterwards.”

One constant among the Hobbits of the Shire is their love for good things. They loved finely-crafted objects and well-made food. They enjoyed nature, a good smoke, and the world around them.  Bilbo, Frodo and Sam were all writers, readers, and poets. Sam often reminded himself of his life in the Shire to keep him going throughout his trials and tribulations. All of the Hobbits loved the world, and so they understood what it was that they were fighting for as they made their way through the far lands of Middle Earth.

It’s easy, especially in a world where we’re connected 24-7, to let our careers dominate our lives. That’s why it’s so important to switch that phone off and develop an appreciation for the world around us, whether its enjoying the company of family and friends, a good glass of wine, or a vacation to a place you’ve never been. Its important to cultivate an appreciation for the wonderful things around you. Otherwise, you’ll  forget what it is that you’re working for in the first place.




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