I recently caught up with Mari Smith, who I first spoke to in the middle of 2007. She is extremely prolific on social networks, especially Facebook. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day and she recently released her new book The New Relationship Marketing. Mari speaks about social media all over the world, writes on her own blog and trains other people how to use social media as well. You can learn more about her by going to herwebsite. In the below interview, I asked her about the inspiration for her new book, how she scales her relationships using technology, tips for turning relationships into money, and much more.
What inspired you to write The New Relationship Marketing?
Long before social media was so prevalent and even before Facebook launched, I’ve called myself a relationship marketing specialist. I’ve always loved the focus on building long term relationships with prospects, customers, stakeholders, and peers. Traditional marketing is transactional with the focus on making the sale, often a one-time sale. Relationship marketing is focused on a building and sustaining a mutually beneficial connection between the business and customer. Now, with today’s widespread online social networks, where users are sharing vast amounts of personal information on a regular basis, relationship marketing can be taken to a whole new level. When we know more about our prospects and customers, it’s much easier to really personalized and tailor their entire experience of interacting with our companies.
How have you been able to scale your relationships throughout the past years? What strategy do you use to maintain those relationships?
Without a doubt, the primary way I’ve been able to scale my relationships is by blending the offline world with online networking. I’ve been diligent about reaching out to key influencers over the years and proactively networking with them through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, and blogs. Many of these influencers are also authors and speakers whose books I’ve read and seminars I’ve attended.
I then select a number of high-end events to attend and also am fortunate to be invited to speak at many such events. One event stands out in particular: SANG, the Speakers and Authors Networking Group, founded by Larry Benet. SANG is an exclusive invite-only membership community that typically meets one to two times per year and attracts some of the biggest name speakers and authors in the world. I met Larry initially as a Facebook friend in 2008. Then we met in person at a mutual friend’s conference in Las Vegas later that year and Larry asked me to speak on Facebook marketing at the next SANG. At that event, I went above and beyond – I saw that many of my fellow speakers and authors had not yet fully embraced social media and were eager to learn. I ended up leading an extra-curricular workshop early one morning which was very well received and was able to position myself as a leader among leaders and build upon my reputation as someone who adds value and gives with no agenda.
To maintain relationships, I really love social media — I often write on the Facebook walls of my key contacts, wish them happy birthday, or just reach out to say hi through a tweet or email or text message. Text messaging is such an intimate way of connecting and I’m always sensitive as to how people like to use their private cell phones. I have a core group of key contacts where we often communicate with one another via SMS and it’s quick, efficient and very personal. Sending handwritten notes in the mail is also something I love to do.
What are your top 3 tips for turning relationships into revenue for your business?
1. First, it’s vital to have clarity on exactly what you offer and to whom. In other words, who is your target market? And how do you serve them? A powerful exercise is to imagine someone asked you: “If I were to buy everything you offer, how much would it cost me and what would I get for my money?” The answer to that question should be really clear on all your various social profiles, website/blog and all online/offline marketing messages. A confused mind always says no. So, before you even go for the sale, it has to be obvious how to do business with you.
2. Next, create a promotional calendar that integrates with your editorial calendar. When you provide sufficient value-adding educational content across your various networks, people will be much more likely to respond to your offers. Plus, best you can, maintain the same style of sharing whether posting links to free resources or promoting an offer.
3. Do favors for key influencers in your networks, with no expectation of return. Help promote their latest blog posts, books, seminars, for example. But, don’t just limit yourself to those with “high Klout scores.” Rather, keep in mind Guy Kawasaki’s great quote: The nobodies are the new somebodies. Treat others as equals and thank people often. From time to time, retweet and reshare content from up and coming bloggers and new industry professionals.
Facebook is clearly your favorite marketing tool. What common mistakes do people make on Facebook when it comes to business?
One common mistake is to treat the business (fan) page as a one-way broadcast channel and even go as far as to turn off the page wall. That sends the message to visitors and prospective fans/customers that the business only really cares about themselves and doesn’t want to hear from others. I recommend having an engagement strategy and resources in place to moderate and manage the engagement on all your social profiles.
Another common mistake is to make your Facebook personal profile and/or business page nothing but business. Because Facebook is first a social network, when you can let people in and share even small tidbits of your personal life, you’ll be much more likely to elicit a positive response when you are sharing promotional content. The three main areas social network users love to hear about are family, travels and hobbies. If it’s not relevant to be sharing glimpses of your personal life on a fan page, e.g. for a major brand, let’s say, then be sure to personalize and humanize your content. Let your fans know there are real people behind the messages. Interact with your community in first person if possible, and use their first names when replying.
You’ve spoken to audiences internationally about social media. How has the conversation (and audience questions) changed in the past five years?
Five years ago, Facebook was the most exciting big thing to hit the Internet in a very long time and audiences were eager to know all the do’s and dont’s of marketing their business through the personal profile (before fan pages existed!). But, now, business owners are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing technology and techniques. I often meet entire audiences who are feeling in complete overwhelm, and often end up doing nothing to advance their social media marketing because they truly don’t know what to do next… or they’ve received ineffective advice from somewhere. Or, they feel if they do take action, it’s only going to change the next day or next week.
Another common theme is the fear of negative comments. I’m often amazed at how many businesses choose to avoid using Facebook altogether – or having a blog or any other public forum – lest they receive negative comments and have to deal with them publicly. In both instances – the overwhelm of keeping up with changes, and the fear of negative comments – the best antidote is the right knowledge and professional training. To get unstuck, businesses need to invest resources and implement systems so they can fully take advantage of all that these new and emerging social and relational technologies offer.
Dan Schawbel, recognized as a “personal branding guru” by The New York Times, is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, LLC, a full-servicepersonal branding agency. Dan is the author of Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future, the founder of the Personal Branding Blog, and publisher ofPersonal Branding Magazine. He has worked with companies such as Google, Time Warner, Symantec, IBM, EMC, and CitiGroup.