7/23/2012 @ 2:29下午 |343 views
Just read a really useful and thought-provoking article on Amex Open Forum, The 3 Biggest Things Entrepreneurs Mistake for Their Passion. The author notes that entrepreneurs often mistake the enjoyment of a hobby, the idea of a ‘hot trend,’ or the possibility of a quick financial gain for ‘passion.’ It’s true – but it’s not just true for entrepreneurs; I’ve seen lots of employees do the same thing.
And there’s one more I’d add – again, it applies to both entrepreneurs and employees: mistaking ‘the obvious thing’ for passion. For entrepreneurs, the obvious thing is usually rapid growth: “Of course I want to grow my business 50% this year – that’s what all entrepreneurs are passionate about.” For employees, it’s usually the next step up the corporate ladder: “Of course I want to move from director to vice president – that’s what all dedicated professionals are passionate about.” Not so much. I’ve seen lots of people made very unhappy by doing things they thought they ‘should’ want to do, rather than the things they truly felt drawn to doing.
So, how do you avoid being taken in by these passion fake-outs? It’s made even more complicated by the fact that these motivations are sometime not fake at all: some people’s hobbies are their passions; some people are passionate about something that happens to be the obvious thing. Given that, how do you discover the work that truly challenges and inspires you, that makes it so that you look forward to going to work in the morning? Over the years, I’ve spoken to hundreds of people – especially young, smart, ambitious people – who’ve asked me about how to ‘find their passion.’ The advice I’ve given, over and over, is simple: get curious and explore. Then notice your own reaction.
This simple approach works, no matter what you’re considering. Let’s say, for instance, that someone who’s looking to make a career change really loves children. He not only loves spending time with his own kids, but he really enjoys being the parent when a bunch of kids get together: helping them have a great time while still keeping them reasonably in line. (This is the ‘hobby’ route.) So he starts wondering if maybe he could run an after school program. Or let’s take an employee situation: someone who’s the head of marketing for a small furniture company who thinks she might want to be the GM when the current GM retires. (This is ‘obvious thing’ route.)
Time for both of them to get curious and explore.
Curiosity (which I talk about fairly often) is a wonderful thing. It’s that feeling of “I really want to find out more about this.” It’s like a mental and emotional itch that you just have to scratch. If our mythological man and woman allowed themselves to get curious about their areas of possible passion, they’d have three main avenues of exploration to satisfy that curiosity: information,people and situations.
Information - This is a good first place to go when getting curious about a possible passion. Our after-school guy could look online to find out what starting an after school program actually entails. He could explore the legal requirements and financial implications and any training needed. He could probably find an online forum for people who run after-school programs and get a sense of what they’re saying about it. The most important thing, though, is for him to notice his own reaction as he starts to look into this. Is it intriguing? Does he want to find out more? Does he find himself spending free time checking out related websites, or does he have to remind himself he’s supposed to be looking into this?
People – If, after exploring something on an informational level, it’s still ‘pulling’ you – you still feel curious and interested – a good next step is to find some people who are actually doing the thing, and pick their brains. Our wants-to-be-the-boss woman could find a couple of people who have recently made the leap from functional exec to running a business and invite them out for coffee or a meal (her treat, of course) to pick their brains about what it’s like. She could use her curiosity to really delve into what they enjoy and don’t, how they got ready to take on the job, what they wish they’d known when they started – any question that occurs to her, really. People generally like talking about themselves, so she’ll probably be able to get lots of good intel. And again, as she’s listening, the key thing is for her to note her own reactions. Is she engaged – or bored? Is she thinking “That sounds great,” or “That doesn’t seem like something I’d like.” Especially in an ‘obvious thing’ scenario like hers, it’s important to be a fair witness – to note your actual reactions, vs. covering them up with oughts and shoulds.
Situations – Finally, if you’re still feeling pulled after all this (and especially if you find yourself even more intrigued), it’s time to figure out a flight simulator. That is, find a way to do a little bit of the thing you’re considering and see how that feels. You can usually get a taste of something you’re considering pursuing while still in your current situation. For instance, the after-school guy could volunteer at a weekend recreation program for school kids. The CEO hopeful could sign up for a one-year stint as head of a local charitable group of which she’s currently a member. This is the very best way I know of to separate the wheat of passion from the chaff of idle curiosity and wishful thinking. If, after a few months she finds herself thinking about the next committee meeting of her charity while she’s driving to work, or he finds himself designing a new field trip for the kids while he’s eating lunch…it may be a true passion.
As Mike Michalowicz points out in his Open Forum article, “you know you have passion for a business idea when it feels like your life’s calling, and it would help you fulfill your purpose on this planet.” If you’ve explored a passion possibility in these three ways, and it’s appealing to you more than ever – you just may have found your calling.
Look for Erika’s new book, Leading So People Will Follow, coming from Jossey-Bass in October.