
[故事] 为了一个上海户口



在上海,“张江男”已经成为一个专有名词。张江(集团)有限公司副总经理殷宏给出的素描画像是:年 龄在25~30岁,单身,至少本科学历,理工科出身,大多从事IT行业,月收入5000元以上。与电脑打交道的时间远超过与人交往,见到电脑就像见到亲人,见到女孩子就会脸红。某种程度上,他们仍过着校园式的生活,三五好友合租,宿舍与公司两点一线,周末的娱乐就是约同学打打游戏喝喝小酒。


鲁翔就是这样一个连居住证都没有的“张江男”。去年夏天从武汉的一所高校研究生毕业后,他来到张江的A公司上班,从事技术研发。他把房子租在了公司附近,上班乘公交车只需十几分钟,虽然不 用担心每天在地铁里被挤成“肉饼”,却也带来了另外的烦恼。



不过,不管是居住证还是户口,鲁翔说自己并不是太在意,“现阶段,生存第一”。公司去年到武汉招人的时候, 鲁翔心里就已经有底了,“在上海落户基本没戏”,只好把户口迁回了原籍重庆。



鲁翔毕业的2008年 ,全国共有559万人跟他一起走出校门。单单是在上海,就有超过5万非本地生源的毕业生与他一起竞争。面对每年只有不到2万人的指标,僧多粥少的情况越来越明显。



这让主管人力资源的刘静苦恼倍增 。一方面,公司自2002年成立以来,从最初的15个员工成长到现在的100多人,尤其2007年新一轮融资后,每年新增员工越来越多。但另一方面,去人才中心递交资料越来越困难,“基本上没人受理”,排队等候时间越来越长。至今,公司里还有2/3的员工尚未拿到户口,这其中近一半人连居住证也未办理。


相比鲁翔,李锟要稍稍幸运一些。2002年从武汉 毕业的他,在最初的两年里对户口“完全没有概念”。2004年进入A公司后,才意识到了要交社保这样的事儿。他向同事借来房产证,去办理了人才类居住证。



以月薪8000元计算,A公司每月要为李锟缴纳的费用超过3000元。在刘静经理的账本上,每年支出的200万 元人工费用中,要有60多万元交给政府。


张江集团殷宏副总经理对我坦言,去年市里有关领导多次来张江调研,反映最激烈的问题就是户口。最近三四年来,园区每次开座谈会,更是逢会必谈,呼声渐高。“公司培养一个业务骨干得花三至五年,如果五六年之后还让他拿着居住证生活,缺少归属的感觉就会越来越强烈。”刘静曾笑言“0/1代码的头脑比较简单”,他们大多不会因为上海的时尚文化而留下,更实际的是未来生 活中的每一个人生节点——结婚、生子、孩子上学甚至是高考。




实际上,自1994年上海率先提出建 设“人才高地”以来,从未避讳户籍在其中的杠杆作用。彼时,正是浦东开发最为关键的时期,按照“一年一个样,三年变大样”的要求,吸引投资与人才迫在眉睫。



蓝印户口在刺激房地产方面的效果显而 易见。上海统计年鉴公布的数据显示,1997年住宅销售面积为686.4万平方米,在政策开始实行后,1998年达到了1141.9万平方米,2001年更是达到了1796.6万平方米。


与此形成对比的是,上海人才紧缺却越来越严重。尤其是在拥有国际化背景的金融、经贸高管和先进制造业的高级技工人员方面,所面临的缺口日渐增大。相关资料显示,2004年上半年上海劳动力市场10个需求量最大的“灰领”职业,平均每三个职位只有一个求职者前来应聘。需求 缺口最大的现代轿车维修人员,每个求职者可坐拥11个岗位。至2008年,情况尚未有明显改善,仅以一季度为例,上海以数控机床工为代表的机械加工类技术人员,用人单位的需求量达到9200人,但求职人数仅5300人。


上海面临的困局还不止这些,雪上加霜的是人口老龄化步伐加快。截至2007年12月31日,上海户籍总人口中60岁及以上老年人口286.83万人,占20.8%,远高于全国其他城市。而2007年末户籍人口中15~59岁的劳动适龄人口975.61万人,比2006年末减少了5.24万人,上海在全国特大城市中首次出现了户籍劳动人口的负增长。上海市统计局在最近 刚刚公布的报告中预测:“随着生育高峰的结束和老龄化水平的提高,负增长水平将进入上升周期。”




一时的大意,让她苦苦等待了将近7年。2008年11月26日,是她结婚5周 年的纪念日。她早早就盼着这一天的到来,不仅仅因为爱情,更因为她终于等来了第一个可以申领户口的日子。由于当年丈夫在上海交通大学毕业后直接落户,按照上海的有关规定,软件类企业的高管人员,只要有一方的户口在上海,两地分居5年之后另一方可以申领上海户口。


很幸运, 一个月后,刘静接到了申请通过的电话。去领户口页的那天,办事人员告诉她:“这一批就只批了你一个。”这话她听得又惊又喜。旁边一个从北京飞来领表的男士,一脸感慨地说:“飞来飞去就为了一张纸。”而另一个朋友只比她晚交了两周,虽然条件更好,还有高级职称,但还是被拒了。


刘静是幸运的,她如愿收到了结婚5周年来最好的礼物——那张薄薄的、10厘米×14厘米大的纸片。日子一天天过去,像刘静这样的人会越来越多。“刚来的时候这里还是一片农田,很荒凉,看现在完全不一样了。”刘静说这话的 时候,正是中午下班的时间,从一栋栋写字楼里涌出的“张江男”、“张江女”们正赶去食堂,胸牌被风吹起,打在脸上。




上海到底能够容得下多少人?某种程度上讲,这是个谁也回答不了的问题。有人说是2000万,有人说是3000万,还有人会说:“楼越来 越高,日子不也照样过吗?5000万也没问题。”



“这也是为什么即便是人才引进也不敢大规模放开的原因,他们现在年轻,可将来也有老的那一天 ,怎么办?”王大说。至于说那450万居住证中所占80%以上的临时居住证,此刻还远远未能顾及。对那些背着大包小包挤火车的农民工来说,一个上海户口还是个非常遥远的奢望。



鲁翔的午饭只用了不到20分钟就草草解决。食堂里熙熙攘攘,8元或10元的一份套餐,看上去并没有食欲。我问他可否拍张照片,起先答应得很爽快,没过多久又打来电话拒绝了:“不清楚那些租房的中介有什么背景,还是 不惹麻烦的好。”



采访结束后正赶上晚高峰,我随着人流挤进张江地铁站。等车的时候,电子屏幕上正在播放有关“迎世博、讲文明”的活动,穿着红色马甲的志愿者,正在用力将一名半个身 子还在车门外的乘客往里推。画面的角落显示着两行字:“今天距世博会还有414天”,“城市让生活更美好


To inspire others, it's how you do it that counts

領導者一定必須要有和客戶和同事雙向溝通的能力.  這世界從被連結到互相連結越來越朝向互相依賴的發展. 都全世界都被連起來, 每個人的價值和行為都變得比以前更重要.  會比以前影響更多人. 現在消費者能在網上隨時比價 比產品特色, 企業要想想樣怎在這種環境下做生意.


串聯 和 合作;但不要命令和指揮控制. 與各方雙向溝通.

啟發, 不要只是激勵或強迫.   重點是如何啟發

行動要看起來像個領導者, 要有幽默感, 創造力, 要創造比賽求勝的情境, 不是只交代做完事,而是如何使命必達 ,增加價值.  

也要延伸信任感, 不要沒事就多疑.  透過價值來啟發員工 這種ˇ公司比較有較多的創新,員工忠誠度, 客戶滿意度. 找人才注重人格特質,個性, 而非技能.  


A more sustainable cloud through transparency & change

By Jason Currill, CEO Ospero May. 25, 2012, 12:00am PT 1 Comment


Facebook’s Prineville data center.
As the world we live in continues to develop better technologies and new and exciting ways of communicating, our demand for energy grows. Data centers are the engines that drive our connected world, processing the billions of daily transactions, comments and interactions in our digital society. More data equals more energy – and this is starting to become a big headache from a sustainability perspective.

If a singular data center can consume the equivalent energy of 180,000 homes, exactly how large is the overall impact on our planet, and what is being done about it?

Data on energy & computing

Sourcing reliable figures on datacenter output and its effect on the world is difficult, due in part to the fast rate of growth as well as rapidly changing technology and business models. However, the main factor that defines a lack of accurate data has been the unwillingness of major IT brands to act transparently in their operations. Historically, cloud brands have not been willing to disclose information through fear of revealing competitive advantage or disadvantage in operations.

According to a 2007 report from iClimate on global e-sustainability, the world’s data centers and telecommunications networks used a combined electricity of 623 billion kWh. What does that number mean? Well, if the cloud were a country, it would have the fifth largest electricity demand in the world, sitting somewhere between India and Japan on the global energy consumption charts.

The report also indicates that cloud-serving data centers are responsible for 2 percent of the world’s annual CO2 emissions – a figure that has likely grown in the five years since the reports creation. Two percent may not sound like a massive amount, but when you consider how much the ecosystem of data has changed since 2007, that 2 percent could easily become 4 percent in a very short time frame.

The exponential growth in data consumption both at home with super-fast broadband and on the go with 3G and 4G data connections have meant that 2007’s figure really no longer applies. However Greenpeace’s 2010 report “Make IT Green,” predicts the demand for data center electricity will more than triple over the next five years, resulting in an energy demand totaling that of France, Germany, Canada and Brazil combined.

The largest culprit for the massive spike in data seen recently is the mobile industry. Mobile data traffic in 2011 was eight times the size of the entire internet in 2000. By the end of 2012 the number of connected devices is expected to exceed the global population. This mobile boom is largely down to large scale adoption in emerging markets. As of January 2012 India had 0ver 900 million mobile connections and could become the largest mobile market in the world in terms of revenue. As hardware costs fall and functionality increases, this adoption will only continue to rise, and the data serving providers need to expand to accommodate the increased demand.

Cell phone towers on the sky line of Old Delhi.
Location, location, location

So, what can cloud providers do about this mass demand for energy? The future of the industry and how it operates is largely down to 3 things; location, self sufficiency and transparency.

When choosing siting for a new data center, there are a number of considerations. There has to be an adequate availability of affordable electricity, telecommunications infrastructure as well as tax incentives, climate and proximity to end-users.

While many areas of the world can offer these considerations in abundance, the future of a green cloud is dependent on just two. Many cloud companies considering self hosted data are moving to cooler climes to make the most of the ‘free cooling’ benefits. Free cooling is the use of external air for hardware cooling.

Traditionally nearly half of a data center’s power consumption comes from cooling the rooms of servers that physically hold the data. These behemoth computers generate a massive amount of heat, and as such require constant chilling. By locating your data centre in an area of naturally low temperatures, such as the Nordic countries, providers can half their consumption by drawing in the chilled outside air. This shift is already starting to happen as providers find the financial benefits a driving force, and the green outcome an added perk.

The second consideration to location is positioning in relation to a renewable energy source. Many of the worlds largest data center’s are driven by coal and gas. This is classed as dirty energy, however a number of providers are making the move to sustainability through renewable energy

Facebook built its third major data center in Lulea, Sweden – a location chosen for the large amount of existing hydroelectric capacity at high availability. The data center is fully powered with renewable energy from an outer source.

The problem with the location fix is that a huge number of data centers already exist in areas that do not have access to renewable energy sources. For these providers, often their only choice for external power is coal. A growing number of cloud companies are taking matters into their own hands and creating their own source of energy.

The one thing a data center has going for it is size. If we take i/o Data Centers as an example, their facility in Phoenix, Arizona has an enormous 580,000 sq ft footprint that has allowed them to install 5,000 solar panels in an array that will generate a total of 4.5MW at peak capacity. Though this is just a fraction of the 100MW demand, the solar panels will be married with thermal storage technology to reduce the energy drain of cooling during the heat of the day.

Apple has recently announced a 20MW solar array and has also invested in a 5MW fuel cell device on site in Maiden, NC. The industry is starting to sit up and listen.

A company like Google, Amazon, Facebook or Apple has enormous clout in the areas they operate. These tech giants are big fish to the local utility firms, who will all be vying to supply them with power upon creation of new centers. By negotiating renewable energy with the utilities, corporations can begin to change the coal driven ecosystem and drive the industry towards a brighter future.

IT and cloud providers have a duty to research renewable energy sources and implement sustainable power solutions. As well as this duty to source green energy, they also have a duty to report on it. By releasing figures on energy output, full research can be engaged and better solutions and energy standards can be created.

The future of our technological advancement is no longer down to competition and advantage. Providers need to work together to create a better plan for our engorging power drain so that we have a future to enjoy the technology in.

Jason Currill is founder and CEO of Ospero, a global Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) company. The company, through a federated cloud strategy, has one of the largest ubiquitous, single vendor cloud platforms in the world. Before founding Ospero, Jason, a seasoned technology Executive with over 15 years international sales experience, worked with Cisco Systems, Business Objects (a SAP company) and NetSuite, in charge of both EMEA and NA territories. Prior to his career in IT, Jason worked on the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE) for almost 10 years as a Futures Trader.

Ospero’s distribution-as-a-service (DaaS) offering, helps business rollout global SaaS instances without vendors having to worry about legal compliance, latency issues and privacy headaches. All of Ospero’s data centers comply with the ISO 4001 standard. The company believes in green and has recently been praised by external assessors for the maturity of their environmental management systems. This article is written by Jason Currill, CEO of Ospero.



8 Rules For Creating A Passionate Work Culture

8 Rules For Creating A Passionate Work Culture:
Several years ago I was in the Thomson Building in Toronto. I went down the hall to the small kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. Ken Thomson was there, making himself some instant soup. At the time, he was the ninth-richest man in the world, worth approximately $19.6 billion. Enough, certainly, to afford a nice lunch. I looked at the soup he was stirring. “It suits me just fine,” he said, smiling.

Thomson understood value. Neighbors reported seeing him leave his local grocery store with jumbo packages of tissues that were on sale. He bought off-the-rack suits and had his old shoes resoled. Yet he had no difficulty paying almost $76 million for a painting (for Peter Paul Rubens’s Massacre of the Innocents, in 2002). He sought value, whether it was in business, art, or groceries.

In 1976, Thomson inherited a $500-million business empire that was built on newspapers, publishing, travel agencies, and oil. By the time he died, in 2006, his empire had grown to $25 billion.

He left both a financial legacy and an art legacy, but his most lasting legacy might be the culture he created. Geoffrey Beattie, who worked closely with him, said that Ken wasn’t a business genius. His success came from being a principled investor and from surrounding himself with good people and staying loyal to them. In return he earned their loyalty.

For the long-term viability of any enterprise, Thomson understood that you needed a viable corporate culture. It, too, had to be long-term. So he cultivated good people and kept them. Thomson worked with honest and competent business managers and gave them his long-term commitment and support. From these modest principles, an empire grew.

Thomson created a culture that extended out from him and has lived after him. Here are eight rules for creating the right conditions for a culture that reflects your creed:

1. Hire the right people

Hire for passion and commitment first, experience second, and credentials third. There is no shortage of impressive CVs out there, but you should try to find people who are interested in the same things you are. You don’t want to be simply a stepping stone on an employee’s journey toward his or her own (very different) passion. Asking the right questions is key: What do you love about your chosen career? What inspires you? What courses in school did you dread? You want to get a sense of what the potential employee believes.

2. Communicate

Once you have the right people, you need to sit down regularly with them and discuss what is going well and what isn’t. It’s critical to take note of your victories, but it’s just as important to analyze your losses. A fertile culture is one that recognizes when things don’t work and adjusts to rectify the problem. As well, people need to feel safe and trusted, to understand that they can speak freely without fear of repercussion.

The art of communication tends to put the stress on talking, but listening is equally important. Great cultures grow around people who listen, not just to each other or to their clients and stakeholders. It’s also important to listen to what’s happening outside your walls. What is the market saying? What is the zeitgeist? What developments, trends, and calamities are going on?

3. Tend to the weeds

A culture of passion capital can be compromised by the wrong people. One of the most destructive corporate weeds is the whiner. Whiners aren’t necessarily public with their complaints. They don’t stand up in meetings and articulate everything they think is wrong with the company. Instead, they move through the organization, speaking privately, sowing doubt, strangling passion. Sometimes this is simply the nature of the beast: they whined at their last job and will whine at the next. Sometimes these people simply aren’t a good fit. Your passion isn’t theirs. Constructive criticism is healthy, but relentless complaining is toxic. Identify these people and replace them.

4. Work hard, play hard

To obtain passion capital requires a work ethic. It’s easy to do what you love. In the global economy we can measure who has a superior work ethic, who is leading in productivity. Not many industries these days thrive on a forty-hour work week. A culture where everyone understands that long hours are sometimes required will work if this sacrifice is recognized and rewarded.

5. Be ambitious

“Make no little plans: they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” These words were uttered by Daniel Burnham, the Chicago architect whose vision recreated the city after the great fire of 1871. The result of his ambition is an extraordinary American city that still has the magic to stir men’s blood. Ambition is sometimes seen as a negative these days, but without it we would stagnate. You need a culture that supports big steps and powerful beliefs. You can see these qualities in cities that have transformed themselves. Cities are the most visible examples of successful and failed cultures. Bilbao and Barcelona did so and became the envy of the world and prime tourist destinations. Pittsburgh reinvented itself when the steel industry withered. But Detroit wasn’t able to do the same when the auto industry took a dive.

6. Celebrate differences 

When choosing students for a program, most universities consider more than just marks. If you had a dozen straight-A students who were from the same socio-economic background and the same geographical area, you might not get much in the way of interesting debate or interaction. Great cultures are built on a diversity of background, experience, and interests. These differences generate energy, which is critical to any enterprise.

7. Create the space 

Years ago, scientists working in laboratories were often in underground bunkers and rarely saw their colleagues; secrecy was prized. Now innovation is prized. In cutting-edge research and academic buildings, architects try to promote as much interaction as possible. They design spaces where people from different disciplines will come together, whether in workspace or in common leisure space. Their reasoning is simple: it is this interaction that helps breed revolutionary ideas. Creative and engineering chat over coffee. HR and marketing bump into one another in the fitness center. Culture is made in the physical space. Look at your space and ask, “Does it promote interaction and connectivity?”

8. Take the long view 

If your culture is dependent on this quarter’s earnings or this month’s sales targets, then it is handicapped by short-term thinking. Passion capitalists take the long view. We tend to overestimate what we can do in a year, but underestimate what we can do in five years. The culture needs to look ahead, not just in months but in years and even decades.

The writer Arthur Koestler said that a writer’s ambition should be to trade a hundred contemporary readers for ten readers in ten years’ time and for one reader in a hundred years’ time. Lasting influence is better than a burst of fame. Keep an eye on the long view.

Excerpted from Passion Capital: The World's Most Valuable Asset © 2012 by Paul Alofs. Published by Signal, a division of Random House of Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved.
[Image: Flickr user PurpleMattFish]



台資廠赴中國設廠, 以勞力密集產業 ,加工貿易出口的經營模式已出現困境. 


製造業加工出口領域,舉凡筆電、成衣都列在該類, 加工出口區, 比如昆山,寧波, 東莞,依賴相對便宜勞力密集優勢已不復見,  主因是平均勞動成本增, 出口衰退,  過去加工出口型貿易約占總貿易量50%, 現今只剩36%.  

勞動合同法施行後,退休金提列須依年資溯及既往, 所以陸籍員工入台資廠做多久就算多久年資, 有些人高中畢業就入廠, 28歲時 已工作10年, 就等退休了.  年資8年以上也不得隨意資遣, 法令設計讓台資廠人事運作難度加大. 最近連台商幹部也得加入中國社會保險,以前台幹是沒有中國員工的"五險一金".  台資廠很多毛利保三保四行業西進價成本的意義已經不大. 

去中國設廠 如果不能獲利,反而培養老闆,增加競爭對手, 且產品若是原材料,零組件, 也無法直銷內銷市場也不能賣給消費者,  台資廠須思考在中國做這樣的不被鼓勵的行業意義為何? 
只能說中國政府對於產業政策宏觀調控的手法, 讓台資廠當地經營陷入兩難.    且降低成本做人事調節自然想到派駐的台幹.    迫使加工貿易型產業的台資廠經營區居弱勢, 台幹陸幹的定位與價值也會出現問題與調整. 

雖然台北經營管理研究院院長陳明璋表示,目前台商聘用陸籍幹部占比較高,但面臨接班和陸幹心態等問題,對台籍幹部仍有相當大的需求;    但就實際台資廠情況, 為調節人事成本,台幹的比重在下降, 而且較不會跟當地勞動法令相牴觸.  裁一位台幹比陸幹要容易些, 勞資爭議也較小.

簡單的結論,  勞力密集型的加工貿易行業及產品在中國已不再有經營優勢,  中國政府的規劃也是在調整產業結構, 經理人要看清產業經營現實與趨勢作適當因應.

書名 / 老年之書:思我生命之旅


作者 /   湯瑪斯.科爾、瑪麗.溫克爾/編著
出版社 /   立緒
出版日期 /   2011/7/29





人生的賽跑場是固定的,只有單一條路徑,而這條路徑只能跑一趟。生命的每一階段都分配著恰如其份的特質。──古羅馬哲學家西塞羅(Cicero ,BC106—43)

  生與死都是我們獲得的大禮,但大多數人都只是打它們旁邊走過,不去打開這禮物。──德國詩人里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke ,20世紀)















文創缺經紀人才 學用落差難弭

作者: 許純鳳 | 台灣立報 – 2012年5月22日 下午10:32






所學實務脫鉤 職場失意







Why You Should Be a Shameless Self-Promoter

別害羞推銷自己!! 但是 切記 不要吹牛,唬爛. 要對別人感興趣的事感興趣. 要真誠,,別甲仙.
如何對他人提供價值呢?  藉由各種形式,  一個笑話, 一篇文章,  一個動人的故事, 影片, 用自己的方式和創意真誠的分享資訊,  這樣才是間接的也推銷了自己. 

6 Ways to Get a Tech Job Without a Tech Degree

非理工科系, 怎做科技工作?

科技類職缺越來越多, 亞馬遜, Google, PCHome... 但非本科系, 能做嗎?  

1 學習網站如何運作. 很多從商的人都不知網站怎麼做的.  不需要會寫程式但要知道程式如何影響商業決策. 也可以晚上自學寫程式 平常仍照常上班. 可以先學 HTML,和Java Script. Codecademy 是個自學寫程式的網站.

2.在你的現職 開始做數位工作.  有這樣的機會 就有實作,有實作的經驗 就有自己關於數位的故事,  寫程式, 作網頁...

3. 最簡單的方式是在既有的行業上,作數位創業,  完全打破這產業的就有模式, 自己創業 ,自己搞, 這是破壞式創新吧.

4. 在現職做創新,搞個部門, 但是數位的.

5. 別耍老, 換個產業 你就變菜鳥了. 要花時間去學新的事業. 

6 做個概念的領導,  但這要有些創造力,魅力,智慧,  在你找到那產業的工作之前,現 做那產業的思想領導者. 用社群網站,  定位自己為這行的專家 在臉書, twitter,QQ, 微博發表你的觀念和看法 及回應相關文章. 參加產業內的聚會或活動. 

久而久之 你就變專家了.


How to Handle Your Own PR


關鍵就是真實.  記者都喜歡聽如何實現夢想的故事, 如何築夢?如何籌到錢?  公司名的由來?

個人公關的準備工作,  做一個媒體計畫, 舉凡報紙,電視,廣播.雜誌 部落格.  做個表,  找到該媒體該產業報導的記者. 這要點時間 不好找.  重點是建立與記者的聯絡資訊與管道,  用社群媒體很好找.

提供適合的訊息給該媒體. 幫他們寫好稿子, 以適合該媒體的篇幅,調性, 風格. 
這點讓我想到瓶頻果日報專欄作家劉黎兒, 專欄標題與內容皆以情色光怪陸離意淫為主題, 作家照片,文張長度皆是專為蘋果訂製, 內容符合板性, 讀完之後 不記得文字 ,卻記得作者, 典型的個人PR. 其實他是為長年旅居日本的台灣記者,對日本政經文有很深刻的觀察  . 
別以為沉默就是拒絕.   多試幾次, 可能媒體記者太忙,或是你找錯人而已. 
想得到媒體報導你個人要花很多功夫, 若有耐心持續做, 絕對值得.

6 Questions to Ask For Real Insight

LEADERSHIP | 5/18/2012 @ 8:28上午

Numbers, numbers everywhere but which ones really matter to your business? With a dizzying variety of business metrics and the increasing volume of social media numbers to track, how do you choose which ones are relevant?

Which will help you make better business decisions?

Prior to 2011 analytics was often treated as an add-on.  It is now front and center.  Sure, many companies cared about numbers in the form of dashboards and balanced scorecards, falling into the trap of the ‘squiggly line’ syndrome (i.e. focusing on small slices of a longer line of data and reacting incorrectly in knee jerk fashion). Now it has flipped 180 degrees where people are looking to data and modeling to help navigate the business. Experience teaches us the extremes are never the answer.

Progressive firms use big data to narrow their decision set not expect an answer.  They have figure out how to map the real-time information against historical information to offer predictive possibilities. The modern crystal ball is thus unveiled and companies await the next prediction.

This shift was evident at the annual Mobile World Congress (MWC) show in Barcelona where discussion centered on anticipated customer behavior in the mobile and content industries. At MWC 2012, analytics as a category was less pronounced than prior years but in many ways more prevalent. Tools to measure customer sentiment are starting to be embedded in solutions rather than offered as a bolt on capability. Similarly at the IBM Impact Conference in May, the focus was on how to extract insights from big data that is continuously flowing in from a variety of new sources. Finally, last week’s Sentiment Analysis Symposium focused on bridging technology and business through platforms that discover business value in opinions and attitudes in social media, news, and enterprise feedback.

Three very different conferences over the past three months all showcased amazing technology but still struggle to address the core business question of where do you start?

The key to addressing the Big Data phenomenon is to understand that the goal is not to capture enormous volumes of customer behavior, on-line chatter or market data (i.e. the “Big Data”). Rather the objective is to derive specific actionable insight from the Big Data. In other words, turn the Big Data into a much smaller pool of relevant answers and actions in real time if possible.

You still must ask a few questions up front to frame the discussion and then follow it through.

Determine the real business question. What issue will you clarify to truly move your business forward?
Understand that you or your organization may have bias towards the data. As an individual, will you take an analytic or creative view of the results? Will you and the stakeholders use the results discovered to inform or compel action in the organization?

Determine the best data to answer the essential question you are probing. Is it data at rest or data in motion or data in use? Is the data trustworthy? Is the data volatile and incomplete?
Collect the data via the best methods available to you factoring in social media tools, mobility and localization. Rather than trying to collect everything, seek just enough to get clear answers.
Harvest the insights. Beyond analysis this requires impartial investigation that goes beyond surface level inspection. Ensure the data is put in context against business issues that matter.
Determine recommendations based on the needs of the stakeholders. Take note if the recommendations mesh with your long term strategy or short term tactics.
The trick is to derive insights that answer necessary business questions while unfathomably large amounts of data are screaming past your business at tremendous speed. The good news is that solutions are available today and more are coming to get this done. Tooling alone can’t get you there. The challenge as always is to know what questions to ask to manage your business and expose the hidden insights.

What questions are you asking now for your business?

Paul Magnone is vice president of business development and strategic alliances at Openet Telecom, a global telecommunications software and consulting firm. He is the co-author of “Drinking from the Fire Hose: Making Smarter Decisions Without Drowning in Information” (Portfolio/Penguin, September 2011) and previously worked as a senior executive at IBM for 21 years where he started and grew four sales and consulting businesses.

Want an Unbeatable Resume? Read These Tips from a Top Recruiter.

“Can you take a look at my résumé and see what you think?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked this in the past year, I wouldn’t be rich, but I would have some extra dough.

It’s true. Since I write about jobs and careers, it’s not surprising that I’ve been fielding calls from friends and colleagues, who want me to take a look at their résumé to see what’s missing, give some pointers.

I offer my two cents. (For more strategies to land a job when you’re over 55, read my post here.) But to get some deeper insight, I asked Tony Beshara, author of Unbeatable Résumés (Amacom, 2011), a Dallas-based recruiting and job placement powerhouse and president of Babich & Associates to share his secrets.

KH: Why are people so obsessed with their résumé?

TB: The primary reason people spend so much time, money, and effort in writing a résumé is that this is the one activity within the job search that they can control. Instead of picking up the phone and calling a prospective employer to ask for a face-to-face interview-risking potential rejection-people agonize over their résumés.

Here’s the truth–it is rare to get hired by simply submitting a résumé –the purpose of the résumé is to help get you an interview. And at the interview, remember that 40 percent of a hiring decision is based on personality. You’ve got to get the interview and sell your pitutee off.

KH: What makes an unbeatable résumé?

TB: It has to be simple. No more than two pages. The average résumé gets read in 10 seconds. Be sure the content is on a level any high school senior could understand. In other words, the person looking at your résumé should be able to easily understand exactly who you have worked for and what that company does. Just because you know the company or it’s a big name like IBM, Boeing Corp, or Ford Motor Co, doesn’t mean everyone is familiar with what your specific division does.

Avoid the fancy-schmancy layout, font, and other special effects. Stick to traditional font of Times New Roman, 9 to 12 point size, and black type against a white paper. You might try a different type size for your name and the companies you have worked for, perhaps your title. But try to be consistent. Go easy on boldface type, italics, and underlining.
Prepare it in a simple Word format that can easily be viewed on most computers. Not a table format or template.

Use a reverse chronological order. List your present, or most recent job, first, and then work backwards. You state the complete name of the company you work for, or have worked for, and what they do, how long you were there–month and year. Then list the position you held and your accomplishments. You don’t have to use full sentences. Begin with verbs. “Managed company tax reporting, finance, invoicing, purchasing,” for example.

Get rid of objectives and summary and all that silly stuff. It’s all fluff. An employer doesn’t care about your objective. He cares about his.

Skip personal information such as married with three kids. Sounds stable to you. But to a hiring authority looking for someone to travel, it may keep you from being interviewed.

Stories sell. Numbers, statistics, percentages get attention if you put in bold type. Increased profit by this 28%. Came under budget by 30%. If you were born and raised on chicken farm, note it on your résumé.

Fuzzy key words and phrases should be avoided. These include customer-oriented, excellent communications skills, and creative. These words lack meaning and do absolutely nothing to help you get an interview.

Use words that refer to titles- customer service, controller, manager, accountant,
Get the photos off your résumé. You are looking for a job, not a date.

KH: Does “age” stop people over 50 from landing a job?

TB: Let me be real blunt. People over 50 think they aren’t getting hired because they’re over 50. People who are short think they aren’t being hired because they are short. There is a tendency for people to imagine that what they are works against them.

The question the employer is asking is can you do my job right now and are you a big risk? Most candidates don’t think they are a risk. But if you hire somebody who made more money than this, had a bigger job than this, has been out of work for six months, has had three jobs in three years–these are all risks. Some of those risks come with age, but not the age itself.

I don’t think there’s as much age discrimination as there used to be. The real reason they aren’t getting hired–it’s a rotten, lousy job market out there. With so many candidates to choose from, hiring authorities are compelled to seek out the perfect candidate. They want to hire someone where the job is a step up to them. Not someone who has surpassed the positions, who will walk in six months later and say he or she found a better job.

KH: Sure a great résumé helps, but what’s really at the heart of getting a job?

TB: Networking. You have got to pick up the phone and call everybody that you ever knew, everybody that you ever worked with, every employer that you ever worked with. That’s the way to get an interview. It is estimated 60 percent who find jobs have located them through networking. Sending a résumé to a web site is a joke. It ain’t going to happen. If you don’t establish any personal connection to them it’s is a waste of time.

Brainstorm. Sit down with a spouse and friends and ask for help. Write down the names of previous employers and former colleagues, immediate and extended family. Don’t be embarrassed to call family members when you’re out of work. Get over it.

Call friends of friends, people in your church, athletic club, volunteer organizations, parents of children’s friends. Contact trade and professional associations you belong to–many have job boards. Alumni associations, fraternity and sororities are worth reconnecting with. You never know who will know someone who is hiring. College and university placement offices are there to help no matter how long ago you graduated. Canvas local lawyers, accountants, bank officers in town and see if they know if any clients hiring. In short, you really have to “kiss a lot of frogs’ to find a prince. Leave no stone unturned.

KH: And the biggest frustration when it comes to getting a résumé noticed?

TB: People overestimate who is reading it. Most of the time the people who are reading the résumé really don’t have anything to do with the job and have no direct experience with it. It’s an internal recruiter, somebody in Human Resources, the “Hiring Roadblock” department. Just know if you get relegated to the HR departments, your odds of getting an interview, let alone a job are drastically reduced. That’s just the way it is.

KH: How useful is social media networking?

TB: LinkedIn actually does seem to help people in their job searches. It’s easy to create a profile and begin linking to new contacts. You can update regularly and get recommendations from colleagues, previous bosses, and clients. You can research companies and individuals you want to target, connect with former associates, and let them know you are looking for new opportunities.

KH: Any tips for those who think changing careers is the ticket?

TB: Most people who successfully change careers either go into a profession not saturated at the time, like teaching or healthcare, or they open their own business. A lot of new businesses fail because the people who start them have absolutely no idea how to run a business. Be prepared to start at the bottom, no matter what you decide to do. The probability of being hired in a business you know nothing about, by someone who doesn’t know you, at a decent salary, isn’t very high. So to change careers, you’re most likely going to have to make it a good business deal for a perspective employer-worth the risk involved in taking on someone without proven experience.

KH: What’s the magic ingredient for jobseekers?

TB: Guts. Don’t be bashful. You have to take the risk of picking up the phone and having someone say no, and, maybe hell no. No matter how good your résumé might be, unless it helps you get face-to-face interview with hiring managers, your efforts are wasted.

Getting interviews is hard work. It requires tenacity, persistence, determination, and courage to thrust yourself upon people, even if that doesn’t come naturally to you.  No one likes being rejected. The sooner you face this reality and prepare for rejection, the sooner you will be able to find a job.

KH: Swagger counts.

I’m the author of What’s Next? Follow Your Passion and Find Your Dream Job, available here www.kerryhannon.com. To learn about great jobs for retirees, check out my column on AARP. Follow me on Twitter, @KerryHannon

Ten Things to Do When You Lose Your Job

當在待業時期, 建議去弄一個個人網域 ,網頁,和email 以在這段時期代表你自己, 個人網頁主要介紹你自己, 聯繫方式, 和你工作的聯結. 把一些對你有幫助的資料,文章, 影片, 放上去.  做個個人品牌. 


善用各種社群網站,LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. 中國有QQ, 騰訊, 新浪,開心網,朋友網,人人網...網路交友,並自我推薦.  簡介中除了介紹你先前工作經驗, 專業, 別忘了 要談談你的興趣, 嗜好 讓別人了解你是怎麼在工作和生活中找到平衡.

5 Personal Branding Lessons Learned From Forbes Celebrity 100 Women

5 Personal Branding Lessons Learned From Forbes Celebrity 100 Women:
image thumbnail - see full story for attributions
Top model Gisele Bündchen, SPFW (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Celebrity: A known brand. A popular face. The  embodiment of the phrase personal branding. So it comes as no surprise to see women like: Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé Knowles, Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga in the top five place on the Forbes 2012 Celebrity

Five Lessons About Work You Won’t Learn in School, from the Sklar Brothers



In their new show, United Stats of America (which debuts Tuesday at 10 p.m. E.T. on the History Channel), twin comedians Jason and Randy Sklar drill deep into the numbers that make America great — or at least, greatly filled with numbers. Their weekly one-hour examinations across topics as diverse as money, death and time reveal a lot about the business of America and other money-related topics. What did they learn? Glad you asked, because we already did. Here are five lessons about work that you won’t learn in school, courtesy of the Sklar Brothers. (Interview condensed and edited.)

1. Never eat lunch at your desk. It turns out the average desk has 400 times as much bacteria per square inch as the average toilet seat. In other words, it’s safer to eat a sandwich in the bathroom than in your office. Learning this gave us a great idea for a restaurant, where all the seats are functioning toilets. We would, of course, call it Johns.

(MORE: Why Aren’t There More Jobs?)

2. It’s hard out there for a man. Approximately 98% of all workplace fatalities happen to men. Why? Because men dominate manual-labor jobs. Now, don’t get us wrong — when you work in an office, your soul dies a little. But you have much less chance of dying while changing toner in the biz hub than you do working on a fishing boat. There’s a reason they call that show Deadliest Catch.

3. Bosses are even more annoying than you thought. Over the course of a lifetime, the average American male spends roughly five months complaining about his boss. This is approximately the same amount of time we spend on hold — and more than twice as long as we spend having sex. It’s a wonder we spend only an average of 2.7 days in our lives crying.

4. Want a raise? Wear lifts. On average, people who are 6 ft. tall earn over $5,525 more than people who are 6 in. shorter. This explains more than you think. In 1950 the U.S. was the tallest country in the world. Today we’re ninth. Behind Belgium. Is there anything else you need to know about our economy?

(LIST: Top 10 Fastest-Growing Industries in America)

5. There’s a magic number when it comes to income. Most Americans feel like they don’t have enough money. And obviously, not having enough can make life pretty miserable. But having too much money isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The magic number appears to be about $75,000. People who earn less than that tend to feel like they can’t cover their costs and worry about their future. But when you earn over $75,000, the positive effects of not having to worry about basic needs begin to disappear. The more we have, in fact, the more we start to reach for even greater luxuries, which makes us feel strapped for cash, which makes us feel stressed. Not that we expect anyone making over $75,000 to return it to their employers. But they’re welcome to send it to us.

Read more: http://business.time.com/2012/05/08/five-lessons-about-work-you-wont-learn-in-school-from-the-sklar-brothers/?xid=rss-topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+time%2Ftopstories+%28TIME%3A+Top+Stories%29#ixzz1vHX97aOc

9 Qualities of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs

9 Qualities of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs: Good entrepreneurs make money. Great entrepreneurs make serious money. But remarkable entrepreneurs do more than make money. They are the few who possess qualities that don’t appear on balance sheets but do make a significant impact on the lives of their employees, industries, and communities. Here are nine qualities of remarkable entrepreneurs: 1. They find [...]

The Top 10 Rookie Mistakes for Entrepreneurs

May 9, 2012, 7:00 AM


An owner’s dispatches from the front lines.
Many people who start businesses, including me, have little or no experience and just jump in. Over the years, I have compared notes with many fellow entrepreneurs, and I have seen them make the same mistakes over and over again — I recognize them because I have made them all, too. Here is my list of the biggest rookie mistakes:

1. Keeping your rent as low as possible. The key to business is to keep expenses low, right? Wrong. Sometimes it is worth paying more rent if it will generate more customers, if it gives a better image and inspires confidence, if it helps attract the right employees or if it makes it easier to deal with suppliers. In retail, this one mistake can determine success or failure.

2. Hiring someone you know and trust. Competence is more important. While hiring friends and relatives can work, it severely limits the pool from which you choose, leaving out people who could be much more qualified. Friends and relatives can also carry baggage. They can also be very hard to manage, which leads to my ultimate advice: if you can’t fire ‘em, don’t hire ‘em.

3. Buying used equipment to keep expenses down. This, too, works sometimes, but it is often shortsighted. For example, buying a used truck with 100,000 miles on it will guarantee that you will spend valuable time and money fixing the truck when it should be out taking care of customers. Can you really afford downtime with any machine?

4. Keeping your prices “reasonable.” How about picking a price that will allow you to make money? Many entrepreneurs underprice their products or services in an attempt to attract business. They either have no understanding of their costs, or they are too busy to think about them. At some point, they have to hire an employee, and that low price will leave no profit after the employee is paid. It may even cause a loss. This starts a very bad chain reaction of cash flow problems, profit problems and stress. Perhaps the biggest mistake is thinking that these problems can be solved by attracting more business.

5. Saving money on professional advice. There is nothing more expensive than a cheap lawyer or accountant. Good lawyers and accountants make good livings, just like anyone else who is good at a job. You don’t get what you don’t pay for — in this case professional, intelligent advice. And here is the worst part. Most lawyers and accountants are not qualified to be business consultants. For that matter, many business consultants are not qualified to be business consultants. Join a business group, talk to successful entrepreneurs, and get referrals from people who know what they are talking about. How do you know if they know what they are talking about? No one said this was going to be easy.

6. Considering borrowed money a last resort. Maybe it should be, but maybe not. Sometimes it is better to borrow money to do things right than to just do them wrong. Borrowing money is not necessarily stupid, irresponsible, or reckless. But it could be. Knowing the difference is, well, the difference.

7. Picking a bank that knows you and that you have a relationship with. Again, it can work. But it can also be naive. Some banks are known for lending to small businesses. Other banks are not. First, find a competent, experienced accountant. Then, ask him or her to assist you in finding a bank. Good accountants should know from their experiences with other clients which banks are in the game. Ask other entrepreneurs who they bank with. In Chicago, there are probably only 10 banks that are really interested in servicing small businesses (that means lending money). And here is the big tip. The people writing the ads for the banks are not the ones giving the loans. You might consider it false advertising. Yes, they do want your business account — they love the noninterest-bearing balances you deliver. But that doesn’t mean they want to lend you money. If you get in a bind, the difference between having the right bank and the wrong bank can be the difference between success and failure.

8. Thinking you have your advertising figured out. It is very important to know whether your advertising is working — and good luck with that! You certainly need to try to figure out whether your advertising is working, but this can be very difficult. Why? Because even if you are trying to track your results, it’s easy to get bad information: Your advertising may be reinforcing the behavior of existing customers. People may tell you they were just driving by when in reality they were influenced by your radio ad. Many times even your customers don’t know what got them in the door. My advice: Accept that it’s impossible to know everything you’d like to know, but don’t stop trying.

9. Treating your employees fairly. Well, yes, absolutely: do treat them fairly. But what is fair? Is it fair to fire someone after two months because you realize you made a hiring mistake? Or are you supposed to give it everything you’ve got, including four more painful months of hope and delusion, while your customers, your bank account, other employees and even the failing employee pay the price? I have probably hired close to 1,000 people over the last 34 years. I have never succeeded in saving, rehabilitating or dramatically changing the behavior of a bad hire. It might not be the employee’s fault; frequently it isn’t. It could just be the dreaded bad fit. It might even be the boss’s fault, but unless you are going to fire yourself, it is what it is. The rookie mistake is to let the situation go on too long. Often people who are not rookies — just bad managers — make the same mistake.

10. Falling blindly in love with your product or service. Fall in love, certainly. But a wonderful product or service won’t make up for bad decisions and deficiencies in marketing, management or finance. Being a successful entrepreneur means being a competent entrepreneur, in addition to being the best baker, computer programmer, picture framer, hairstylist or whatever it is you are.

I hope this list gives some new entrepreneurs a little insight, or even keeps some wanna-preneurs from getting in over their heads. And one more thing. In sports, you are a rookie for one year. In entrepreneurship, it can last many years. When you learn from your mistakes, you are no longer a rookie. Better yet, learn from someone else’s.

Jay Goltz owns five small businesses in Chicago.


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2012.05.17 03:22 am










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人資管理 履歷表離職原因大破解(上)


























  ISO/TS16949 “質量管理體系—汽車行業生產件與相關服務件的組織實施ISO9001:2000的特殊要求” ISO/TS16949:2009與ISO/TS16949差異比較簡介 我們從實踐角度出發,在背景、目標與意義、內容三方面,對該質量管理體系要求作簡要介紹。







  為了協調國際汽車質量系統規范,由世界上主要的汽車制造商及協會于1996年成立了一個專門機構,稱為國際汽車工作組 International Automotive Task Force (IATF) 。 IATF的成員包括了國際標準化組織質量管理與質量保證技術委員會(ISO/TC176),義大利汽車工業協會(ANFIA),法國汽車制造商委員會(CCFA)和汽車裝備工業聯盟(FIEV),德國汽車工業協會(VDA),汽車制造商如寶馬(BMW),克萊斯勒(Daimler Chrysler),菲亞特(Fiat),福特(Ford),通用(General Motors),雷諾(Renault)和大眾(Volkswagen)等。
  IATF對3個歐洲規范VDA6.1(德國),AVSQ94(義大利),EAQF(法國)和QS-9000(北美)進行 了協調,在和ISO9001:2000版標準結合的基礎上,在ISO/TC176的的認可下,制定出了ISO/TS16949 :2002 這個規范。
  在2002年4月24號,福特,通用和克萊斯勒三大汽車制造商在美國密歇根州底特律市召開了新聞釋放會,宣布對供應廠商要采取的統一的一個質量體系規范,這個規范就是ISO/TS16949。供應廠商如沒有得到 ISO/TS16949的識別,也將意味著失去作為 一個供 應商的資格。

  a) ISO/TS16949:2002已于去年4月份起開始在全球推行;
  b) 第一版的ISO/TS 16949:1999將在2003年12月15日廢止;
  c) IATF對已經注冊了ISO/TS16949:1999的企業規定了一個有條件的寬限期:2004年 12月15日前,這些企業必須把目前的識別更新為ISO/TS16949:2002。這個所謂的有條件,就是企業的所有客戶必須同意2004年12月15日這個期限。在這個寬限期內,識別公司的監督審核將以原有規定的時間表繼續進行;
  d) QS-9000第三版(在ISO9000:1994基礎上)有效期至2006年12月14日。實際上,在2003年12月15日之后,QS-9000識別將變成一個單獨的識別,它不再包括ISO-9001 識別。 ISO/TS16949:2002涵蓋了QS9000的90%內容;
  e) 在2006年底之前,除了新增立的公司或以前沒有經過體系識別的公司將尋求ISO/TS16949的識別以外,全球現有的22,000個已經QS9000注冊的公司也要轉換成ISO/TS16949注冊。
  f) TS16949:2009英文版已于2009-6-15日釋放,TS16949:2009版更新修訂的內容主要是結合ISO9001:2008版標準的修訂內容。

  為切實可行,有效地貫徹ISO/TS16949規范,IATF在全球建立了5個地區性的國際汽車監督署(IAOB Internation Automotive Oversight Bureau)。這5個監督署采用相同的 程式方法來監督ISO/TS16949規范的管理,操作和實施。每個監督署的職責包括:
  a) 代表IATF,通過相同的程式,貫徹和管理ISO/TS16949的注冊全過程。包括見證審核活動,注冊審核員的資格培訓和考試,監督識別公司和注冊審核員的工作質量;
  b) 與其他監督署協調,以確保ISO/TS16949注冊計畫的全球一致性;
  c) 貫徹和實施IATF的政策和決定;
  d) 負責IATF與全球汽車制造商之間有關標準的協調事宜;
  e) 建立和維持IATF的信息資料庫以便于注冊管理。
  這5個監督署分別為 ANFIA, IATF-France, SMMT,VDA-QMC和IAOB。負責亞太 地區的汽車監督署IAOB位于美國密歇根州南費爾德市。只有與其簽約的識別機構才可以頒發受IATF承認的ISO/TS16949證書。現在汽車監督署已經在全球批準了48個識別機構。到目前為此,IATF已在全球通過識別機構頒發了大約1700張ISO/TS16949證書,大部分獲證公司分布在歐洲和北美洲地區。
  · BMW · DaimlerChrysler
  · Fiat · General Motors(包括Opel Vauxhall)
  · Ford · PSA Peugeot-Citroen
  · Volkswagen · Renault SA
  AIAG(美國) ANFIA(義大利)
  FIEV (法國) SMMT(英國)
  VDA (德國)

4、ISO/TS16949 的特點

  ISO/TS16949是 國際汽車行業的技術規范,是基于ISO9001的基礎,加進了汽車行業的技術規范。此規范完全和ISO9000:2008保持一致,但更著重于缺陷防范、減少在汽車零部件供應鏈中容易產生的質量波動和浪費。
  ISO/TS16949是 國際汽車行業的一個技術規范,其針對性和適用性非常明確:此規范只適用于汽車整車廠和其直接的零配件制造商。這些廠家必須是直接與生產汽車有關的,能開展加工制造活動,并通過這種活動使產品能夠增值。對所識別的公司廠家資格,有著嚴格的限定。那些只具備支援功能的單位,如設計中心,公司總部和配送中心等,不能獨立獲得ISO/TS16949:2002識別。對那些為整車廠家或汽車零備件廠家制造設備和工具的廠家,也不能獲得ISO/TS16949:2002的識別。因此,ISO/TS16949:2002的實施,對 三大汽車公司和他們的零備件制造供應商將有直接的影響。

  ISO/TS16949:2002的審核,由從單一的要素的審核轉變成一個過程的審核。一個過程的審核將把重點放在以使用者為中心。它是根據使用者的要求來評估廠家的活動,圍繞使用者的滿意度來衡量廠家的表現。另外,三大汽車制造商,對其供應商都提出了產品的特別要求,而 ISO/TS16949:2002的審核,也包括了對滿足這些要求的過程審核。



  由于 ISO/TS16949:2002已包含了ISO9001:2000的所有內容,所以獲得ISO/TS16949:2002的識別,也標志著符合ISO9001:2000標準。


  要求獲得ISO/TS16949:2002識別注冊的公司,必須具備有至少12個月的生產和質 量管理記錄,包括內部評審和管理層評審的完整記錄。




  識別公司(審核方〕必須事先得到國際汽車署的審核,批準和授權。識別公司的審核 活動將始終處在國際汽車署的嚴格監督之下。國際汽車署有權見證識別公司的審核活動并對識別公司實行記分制。扣分的規則是十分嚴厲的(包括使用者對其識別的供應商的投訴〕。違規分達到一定程度,就會被取消識別資格。







  0.1總則 新增組織的環境、該環境的變化以及與該環境有關的風險與ISO14001的相容性更好
  注:作為指南,參見GB/T1902 1.1及GB/T1902 1.3注:作為指南,參見GB/T19011強調與IS014001的相容性
  8.2.3不合格品控制 新增d)當在交付或開始使用后發現產品不合格時,組織應采取與不合格的影響或潛在影響的程度相適應的措施。將TS標準納入

  ◆ISO/TS 16949的基本目標:
  ◆IATF 注冊程式目標
  ◆IATF 政策


  實際上,與其他國際標準一樣,16949也是一個妥協的產物。該標準與美國、德國、法國、義大利和日本的汽車制造商的意見為主,特別是德國的VDA-6.1與美國的QS9000之間的重大不同需要獲得解決。第一,QS9000是把ISO9001:1994標準全部包括進來,再加上汽車業補充要求。與之不同的是VDA-6.1是以ISO9004標準作為基礎的,結果在VDA-6.1中包含了ISO9001 或QS9000(第三版)標準所沒有的概念,如新產品成本分析和員工滿意等。第二,QS9000審核時采用通過/不通過(符合/不符合)模式,而VDA-6.1符合百分比模式。

  《TS16949:2002指南》按照TS16949的條款順序,簡明列出了范例、套用、實踐或解釋,對如何正確實施規范提供了指導信息,有助于理解和套用TS16949。指南指出,簽署TS16949:2002的IATF成員可能有對顧客特殊要求指定的參考資料。對于未規定顧客特殊要求的組織,應該套用該指南在參考書目中列出的參考手冊(如APQP、FMEA、 MSA、SPC、PPAP 等。)
  《TS16949:2002認可規則》也稱《識別機構 TS16949:2002汽車識別方案規則》。該規則包括識別機構的認可、識別機構的審核過程、識別機構審核員的認可和注冊等內容,是十分詳盡的規則性檔案。


  第一,因為QS9000是以ISO9000 94版為基礎,而16949是以ISO9000 2000版為基礎,因此,16949需要轉向“過程模式”理念和PDCA技術,這要求在方法上和檔案形式上有一個極大的轉變。審核方法上也由原來的部門/要素轉化為“過程”導向。

  一、初次識別 1、企業將填寫好的《TS16949識別申請表》連同識別要求中有關材料報給我們中環聯合(北京)識別中心。我們中心收到申請識別材料后,會對檔案進行初審,符合要求后發放《受理通知書》(這意味著如果材料提交不全,就取得不了受理的資格,更談不上簽契約繳費了。這一點請申請識別的企業和十環識別咨詢輔導機構的工作人員給以足夠重視,以免因此影響進度),申請識別的企業根據《受理通知書》來與我中心簽訂契約。 2、我們識別中心收到企業的全額識別費后,向企業發出組成現場檢查組的通知,并在現場檢查一周前將檢查組組成和檢查計畫正式報企業確認。 3、現場檢查按環境標志產品保障措施指南的要求和相對應的環境標志產品識別技術要求進行,對需要進行檢驗的產品,由檢查組負責對申請識別的產品進行抽樣并封樣,送指定的檢驗機構檢驗。 4、檢查組根據企業申請材料、現場檢查情況、產品環境行為檢驗報告撰寫環境標志產品綜合評估報告,提交技術委員會審查。 5、識別中心收到技術委員會審查意見后,匯總審查意見,報識別中心總經理批準。 6、識別中心向識別合格企業頒發環境標志識別證書,組織公告和宣傳。 7、獲證企業如需標識,可向識別中心訂購;如有特殊印制要求,應向識別中心提出申請并備案。 8、年度監督審核每年一次。
  二、年度監督檢查 1、識別中心根據企業識別證書發放時間,制訂年檢計畫,提前向企業下發年檢通知。企業按契約要求繳納年度監督管理費,識別中心組成檢查組,到企業進行現場檢查工作。 2、現場檢查時,對需要進行檢驗的產品,由檢查組負責對申請識別的產品進行抽樣并封樣,送指定的檢驗機構檢驗。 3、檢查組根據企業材料、檢查報告、產品檢驗報告撰寫綜合評估報告,報識別中心總經理批準。 4、年度監督檢查每年一次。
  三、復評識別 3年到期的企業,應重新填寫《TS16949識別申請表》,連同有關材料報識別中心。其余識別程式同初次識別。


歷史上人為書而瘋狂, 但現實裡, 愛書的人仍有但是越來越難尋. 一切知識的傳播都是靠書, 書靠印刷術的發明的普及與傳播. 書,權勢的權力還是在讀者, 有讀者,書才會有意義..