

更多有關 科技創業聖經 的事情



1 選擇對的產業,
2 找到有價值的機會,
3 掌握到科技的演變, 
4 鎖定市場的真正需求,
5 利用既有公司的弱點
6 管理智慧財產權
7 將報酬導向創新
8 選正確的組織架構

找到過程需要很多辨識方法. 要學會評估每一個機會. 必須了解科技的演變. 政策法規的改變, 人口結構的改變,  以確定目標, 然後依據目標, 架構組織, 將目標與績效報酬連結. 加上執行力和領導力. 商業知識滿重要的,有助熟悉產業鏈及相關知識,作為評估的基礎.

這本書讓我複習商業的應有技能, 實務往往更多變化, 



更多有關 再起動 的事情

This book published on 2009.  I borrow this book to refresh my business acumen. Many topics, mentioned in this book are still very effective.  

About new economy, how are we facing the new economy and leave away from the old economy.  
It's depends on our ages. If you are young, you may already in this new economy, that is shopping online, using mobile, not to work under a traditional hierarchy...etc.  If you are old, you are experience this transition from old way to new one. That is difficult.

What is new? 
those are about project-oriented, web 2.0 based, no bureaucracy, informative, everything are digitalized, open-source spirit, low cost and quality consideration...etc.. 

New continental is also on the elder market according to demographic profile changes. We should not expect our career in order or step by step.  
Routine jobs are gone or at a lower wage.  
Job meaning is changed. Job will be more flexible and project-oriented for problem solving.. 

Because problem is solved, so your value is demonstrated, then salary and job are generated, that is a reality we are experiencing. 

For professionals, there are three issues below we need to concern to face the new situation:
1 To change the way we spend money
2 To change the time we spend.
3 The location of our living. 
About MBA, don't expect too much on that. We can obtain the open course the learn almost every subject we want.  I don't mean it is not important. I still cherish this process of education.   I  mean that degree is not a guarantee.  All still need to experience in real business world. 

New media impacts on new world and it accelerates to leave the old economy. So try to get familiar with You tube, Amazon... all kind of new new tools to improve and upgrade productivity. This is what we should adjust for fitting in new economy.  


歷史上人為書而瘋狂, 但現實裡, 愛書的人仍有但是越來越難尋. 一切知識的傳播都是靠書, 書靠印刷術的發明的普及與傳播. 書,權勢的權力還是在讀者, 有讀者,書才會有意義..